

re-record the welcome video

Reported by Volkan Ozcelik on JavaScript: from Zero to Hero · 30/07/2018 15:48:04

Assigned to:
Volkan Ozcelik

in the video on the zerotoherojs.com website, I’m reading from a sheet of paper posted next to the camera, and it’s apparent from my eye movement.

Well that’s not a big deal, but I don’t have to read a script to talk about a course that I’m giving. That feels a bit “forced”, for the lack of a better term.

Besides, I have enough public speaking knowledge to improvise in front of a camera: So that’s what I’ll do: I’ll explain what the course is, and what I am trying to achieve, and what makes it different, from my heart, without reading from a script.

The only thing is: I need to find a quiet, and well-lit environment and some time to do that.

Which is easier said than done when two little monster… ahem kids are chasing each other in the house all the time :)

I record the lessons in a very spacious storage shed(for better acoustics and isolation from the external noise) but in that case I have the problem of "the environment is not “well lit” and it’s full of clutter (because it’s a shed, and a shed is a home’s `/dev/null` afterall)

Well we’ll see how it goes, the first instant I have the perfect conditions, I’ll do the re-record ;)


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